Do you feel rushed? Anxious? Unhappy? Are you ready for change but don't know where to begin? Are you curious about God? Awesome, start your new journey here, with us. You wont find empty religion or perfection, just ordinary everyday people, like you, following the ways of Jesus.


We all want friends to do life with. Online friends are cool, but often, we never actually talk to them, we just scroll through their feeds, compare, and feel worse about ourselves.  We know it's not easy breaking into new social circles, but, be brave... here you will find real and meaningful relationships.


Sundays: 12:00 pm noon

Location:  The old Hensall Church Building,

78 King Street, Hensall

Contact: aaronjjohnson3@gmail.com


Potluck Lunch

After our service on Sunday, March 16th. We provide the main dish, you bring a side, salad, or dessert.

Baby Shower

For Jenn Steen and new baby Claire. Saturday, March 29th, 11-1 pm at the Johnson's home: 388 Andrew Street, Exeter. Pop in anytime, snacks and a light lunch will be provided.

Easter Brunch

Join at 11am on Sunday, April 3rd for an Easter brunch before our Service.

Good Friday Service

Join us for worship as we celebrate the death & resurrection of Jesus. April 18th at 10:30 am.

Wedding Reception 

Immediately following our 12 pm church service on Sunday, May 4th, please stick around for cake and drinks to celebrate Glen Westlake and Angela Kaufman on their recent marriage.

Firm Foundation